Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Holiday Weight Loss Rules

Got this via e-mail and just thought I'd share. ;)

In my frustration I have developed 6 dieting rules that should apply for this Christmas season....in a fair world. These rules should be made law!!

1. If you eat food off of someone else's plate, the calories should not count. Also, if you didn't order it and end up eating it, the calories should not count.
2. If you eat standing up, only 1/2 the calories should count. This is a great rules for moms that prepare kids meals and end up standing up to eat themselves!!
3. If you think about going to the gym 5 times without going, you can add 150 calories to your exercise calories bank. After all, thinking about going to the gym is hard work. This also should apply if you watch 5 exercise videos--without exercising.
4. If you have a piece of cake with a diet drink, the calories cancel themselves out.
5. If you pay money to lose weight, i.e. many weight loss programs require monthly fees, then the pounds should automatically be removed from your body.
6. We should be able to pay someone to exercise for us and download the benefits to our body somehow!

Merry Christmas and happy eating--especially the cake/pies/cookies as long as you have a diet drink with it.

Have a Happy Holiday Season!


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