Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Why Working At Night is Great

I did some work last night and it was so great. It was so easy to focus because when it's 9-10pm here in Hawaii, it's the wee hours of the morning in the rest of the country. This means that there are very few people online and on message boards so I don't get distracted. When I try to work in the morning or during the day, the rest of the country is in full swing and message boards are hopping! So it's very easy to get side tracked with forums and with e-mails coming in. At night, there are very few e-mails and virtually none are urgent or important, so that atmosphere allows me to really concentrate at the task at hand. Not only that, the house is quiet because the kids are asleep. The only bad part is that it's also DH's and my "couple time" without the kids. So, either we miss out on that, OR I stay up later and do work after everything else for the day is done (including couple time;)). We'll see how it goes, but I think I'm going to try to get a few nights of work in each week and see how that works out.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your wahm blog.

3:58 PM  

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