Thursday, September 15, 2005

WAHM Serious - My Inspiration

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."
Albert Schweitzer

Because of a quote like this and a story along the same lines, I took a good hard look at my life and what I do. Yes, I have a good job that pays the bills and gives me the scheduling flexibility that I want. However, it's not my passion. I don't wake up every morning excited because I'm going to go to work. I'm sure you can relate. Is that where I wanted to be indefinitely? If not, when was I going to make a change? Did I think that the perfect job or opportunity was going to find me one day?

The story that influenced me was about millionaires and how many of them went into the same kinds of businesses as their peers. The significant difference, however, was that they loved the business they were in. That passion for their business caused them to keep learning, keep improving, and keep developing when all others had already lost interest. That passion is what carried them further than their competitors. I realized that though I'm good at my job, I could probably be exceptional at something I really enjoy. That's why I decided it was time for me to look for other things I could do. That is why I got serious about my website. It's also why, when Rick Wire, President of Dynamite Sports asked me if I wanted to work with them, I said, "Yes." I never cared much for speaking in front of people and I never cared much for sales. But because I love what I do, both with and with Dynamite Sports I don't mind going outside of my "comfort zone".


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