Saturday, May 13, 2006

Earning money with photos

Like any other mother out there I love to take pictures of my kids. But even before I had kids though, I loved taking pictures. I even took two photography classes in high school. So a while back I found out that I might be able to earn money with photos that I take and so can you. I registered to be a photographer at Shutterstock.

The only thing is that you have to upload 10 of your best pictures for them to review before you can really get started. Also, these pics must be 2.5 MB. If you're not sure if your pictures are big enough, they say to take the pixels (i.e. 1280 X 960) and multiply them 1280 X 960 = 1,228,800 ~ the total has to be above 2,000,000. As you can see a picture that is 1240 X 980 would qualify and that's what size most of my pictures were. So, I had to wait until I had accumulated enough pictures at the right size (that I liked) for submission. Well, I'm writing this post because I just finished uploading my 10 pictures. We'll have to wait and see if they get approved. If not, then I have to wait before I can do another submission for them to review.

So, if you also love taking picture and think this is something you'd like to do, click here to sign up as a photographer for Shutterstock.


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