Monday, December 04, 2006

Getting back to business

There was a woman who asked about working at home on a message board. She wanted to know if there was anything she could do at home to earn money. One response sort of brought me back to the "real world." The poster basically told her that there are things she can do, but Work-at-home means WORK at home. You still have to do work in order to earn the money. It doesn't magically come to you.

I've been feeling a bit unmotivated in the past month. My income reflects that too. I don't like that. So, in the spirit of the New Year that's approaching, I'm going to make it a point to get back on track. Even if it's just for an hour a day - I will dedicate some time each week to business and only business. I know there is so much I can do, but I need to stop trying to think about it in the midst of everything else that's going on. I need to sit down and actually work on it instead of just jot down ideas here and there and never think them or follow them through.


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