Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Birthdays and Halloween

Whew ~ we just got through two birthdays (DH and oldest DD). Actually, we still need to do a party for DD. Her birthday was yesterday (Monday) so her party will be later this week.

For DH's birthday, I treated him, and myself :) to a manicure/pedicure. I also got DD a gift certificate to the nail salon for her birthday since I knew she'd want to go once she saw that my nails were done.

Now we need to get through Halloween. We still need to get the kids their costumes! At least we already have candy to make goody bags. Our cul-de-sac does a haunted house each year and all the families make a certain number of goody bags to give to the kids once they get through the haunted house. We are working with another family this year to do a maze in our section of the haunted house. Halloween is less than a week away and we haven't worked on that yet either!

After Halloween, on the 2nd, I'll be doing a Student-Athlete and College Recruiting Seminar for Leahi Soccer Club. Then on the 3rd, DH, baby, and I fly to Maui with the high school softball team I coach. We'll be on Maui for the weekend. Our team will play some pre-season games/scrimmages while we're there. We return home on Sunday. Our girls will be staying home because right now, I just don't have an extra $1000 to bring them along. Of course, they aren't too happy about it. They only reason DH and baby are coming is because I don't think I'll be able to handle being away from baby that long. So DH is coming to bring him and take care of him while I'm doing coaching things. Also, we won't need to rent another car or get another room for just DH and baby. It's just one more airfare. If we brought the girls we're talking 4 more airfares, a car, and another room. I'm looking forward to the trip though. It should be a lot of fun!


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