Sunday, January 22, 2006

How to be a Good Wife, the WAHM Version

I saw this article at which is a site that has free re-print articles written by women. I wanted to share it because I like the husband tips. I know when I was a full-time SAHM, I didn't do the things suggested in this article. Now that I also work outside the home, I have to say, while I wouldn't have thought of it myself being a SAHM, I totally understand it as a person who also works outside the home. Some of the other entries in the article just made me smile. Hope you enjoy them too!

How to be a Good Wife, the WAHM Version

By: K.C. Gagne

Have you seen the famous article "The Good Wife's Guide" from Housekeeping Monthly, 13 May, 1955? This is almost identical to the legendary textbook lesson that reports as "undetermined" in authenticity. Fake or not, either version is amusing to read. Here is my WAHM version:

1. Have dinner ready. Do your best to have a warm meal on the table for your family at a reasonable hour. If your schedule allowed time for a fresh home-cooked dinner, great! Your husband will certainly appreciate the fact that he "lets" you stay home to take care of everyone. When you just don't have time to cook, grab from one of the frozen double-batched meals you made over the weekend for this type of dilema. And if worse comes to worst, call out for pizza!

2. Prepare yourself. Grab a wine glass and fill 'er up! It's been a long day and you need to relax and take a break before the evening shift starts.

3. Clear away the clutter. Close the laptop or shut off the PC. Stack and remove the papers from the kitchen table or counter top. (You need someplace to eat that warm meal.) Pick up some of the toys that are sprawled all over the floor. Make it look like you didn't just spend the entire day sitting in front of the computer monitor.

4. Prepare the children. At least know where they are and what their homework is.

5. Minimize all noise. Heck with that! Turn on the radio or CD. The music will help you keep moving while clearing away the clutter.

6. Some don'ts: Don't turn on the TV. Don't sit on the couch. You've worked too hard for it to look like you sat on the couch eating Bon-Bons all day.

7. Make him comfortable. Meet him at the door with a hug and a kiss. Appreciate him for dealing with the 50+ hour work week and for his long commute. Then have his children hug him while you make a break for it and leave him with the kids.

8. Listen to him. When he finally breaks free from the kids, before you start informing him of the chores you've done and what the children got into, let him tell you about his day. Even though you have no interest in hearing about the corporate blabber, pretend you care. It will make him feel important.

9. Make the evening his. Let him go do his thing. After all, you have to get back to work and finish the things you couldn't get done with your preschooler wrapped around your leg.

10. The Goal: Try to make it appear that you have it all under control and that you being at home is the best thing for everybody. It is, isn't it?

11. My One Addition: Make sure to spend some time with your children and husband instead of just working all the time. Don't forget your "why".

Article by:
K.C. Gagne is the "modern day June Cleaver" pretending to have it all under control with her website about life balance for the work from home mom.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting my article! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

4:51 AM  

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