Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A Mama's Brag - like only a mom can

Only a Mom can be excited about this, but here's my brag. My 4-year-old played in her very first softball game yesterday. In her league, the coach pitches the ball to the batters. They get a total of 7 pitches to try to hit the ball. Since this was their first game, after the 6th pitch, the coach could allow them to use a tee and hit the ball off the tee instead of having them try to hit a pitched ball.

Well, on my daughter's very first at bat ever - she hit the ball!!! She didn't even need the tee. On top of that, she made it safe to first AND, her hit brought in the very first run for her team. I was so totally excited! She ended up coming all the way around and scoring a run too - it was so cute. She is the smallest player on the team (on top of being the youngest, she is small for her age, so you can just imagine) so everyone was excited when she hit the ball.

The only bad thing - something was messed up with my video camera - so I got all the audio recorded, but the picture was all "overexposed" looking or something. Just white - you could only sort of see her black pants, but that's it. :(

It did get shots of her before the game though. Her shirt, when untucked, looks like a dress. The number on the back of her shirt looks out of place. I'm sure the distance between her name and the number is "standard," but on a shirt that small, the gap between the name and number is about half her back! LOL - if we pull her shirt out enough on the tuck, we can see the entire number. Her pants reach all the way down to her ankles (you almost wouldn't know she was wearing red socks). Her helmet looks way too big and the bat (even though it is the smallest fastpitch bat I could find) looks almost as big as her. Maybe I'll be able to get a picture up later on.

This is why I love not having to work my "day job" full time. I had no problem making it to my daughter's first game on time. Because this game was on a weekday, many parents got caught in traffic on the way to the game after work and missed all of the pre-game as well as part of the first inning. I'm glad I could be there!


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