Monday, March 13, 2006

What do you love?

When I first, first, first tried a home business, someone wise told me that it's best if your business is something you love. I thought, "Nah, that's okay, I don't LOVE this, but it's so easy." I was working with vending machines at the time. When we (DH and I) bought the machines, they were already in a pretty good spot. All we had to do was buy product and go twice a week to refill and collect our earnings. So simple, so easy. It would be okay that I didn't LOVE doing this.

Well, after two years, I found out why it wasn't okay. I just didn't like to do it anymore. I probably could have found someone to do the re-filling for me, but I would still have had to go by product every week and what not. Anyway, the point is, because this wasn't something I loved, I gave it up. Yes we earned money, but, after a while, we just didn't want the chore of doing all the things that were involved with the business.

Then, like just about all other SAHMs out there, I looked into direct sales. I tried a few, but there was just nothing I was really passionate about. So......I decided to make my own business. That's why I started - I knew it was something I'd have fun with, enjoy, and love to work on. At first I didn't really know if I could actually earn money with it or not. It's great to know now that I can! It would have been wiser for me to do my market research BEFORE jumping into it, but since it was something I wanted to do whether I made money or not, it didn't really matter.

But if earning money does matter to you, then definitely think your business through before you start. One of the things we talk about at MM is "Can your passion be your business?" Sometimes it can, sometimes it can't - before you spend a lot of time and money on it, find out as much as you can. One great way to do that is to go through the steps of writing a business plan.


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