Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Yes! New E-Course Done

Thanks to Jimmy D. Browns' List and Traffic I was able to set up a 5-Day E-Course pretty quickly. It took me about 2 1/2 days, but that's because I'm not so quick at writing copy for opt-in pages and because I did everything myself (no outsourcing involved). I just took one of the lessons from List and Traffic, applied it, and voila - E-Course!

Like I said, it took me about 2 1/2 days.

Day 1 was brainstorming and choosing a topic. Then I worked on getting the content for the 5 days of the e-course.

Day 2 consisted of creating a list in my auto-responder, loading the messages, coming up with subject headings, forewards, and copy for the opt-in page. I also created the opt-in page on day 2.

Day 3 (not much work-not even half day really) was creating the opt-in form, the thank-you page, and getting links and opt-in forms on my site in appropriate places to promote the e-Course.

That was it. Can't wait to see how it works out, how many people sign up, and what they think of it.


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