Tuesday, July 04, 2006

What can I do to grow my business?

Hmm....I'm sitting here trying to think of ways I can grow my business. How can I increase Google AdSense earnings? But that only pays out once a month. What can I do to get paid more often?

I could start my affiliate program for my e-book. I don't know if I'm really ready for that yet. If I do that, then I need to be ready to train affiliates, I need to be able to give them the resources they need to be successful. I need to supply them with banners, links, and other images and tools. That's quite a big undertaking that I don't know if I'm ready for yet.

But what else can I do. I know that traffic at my softball site seems to have stopped increasing. Is it because of the season? Maybe this is just a slower time of year? Or what was I doing before that I'm not doing now? Maybe I need to start being more consistent with article marketing. I also need to look for other places to submit articles where they are going to be picked up by sites that have similar target audiences.

Maybe I need to look through my auto-responder series and see if I'm making too many offers or not enough. Hmmm....I know I want more from my online business and I know I can get more. I'm reminded every day of why I want to be able to earn more, but not necessarily have to constantly put in more hours. I just have to sit down and do some brainstorming and planning and see what I can come up with! Wish me luck.


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