Friday, June 23, 2006

Back to staying at home

I'm having fun staying at home. My last official "employee" day at work was Thursday (6/15). I thought I would be stressing out a bit, but I'm not. I'm not worried about the money because after crunching numbers, we actually won't be behind where we were before because we no longer have to pay for my youngest daughter to go to school. Since I'm staying home, we also won't be paying a sitter and we won't be paying for after school care. Not to mention, I'll be paying a lot less for gas which is getting outrageous these days.

I was also a bit worried about being home every day with the kids - they can drive you crazy if you don't plan - KWIM? But I took my last few weeks of work to get adjusted to staying at home. The kids were already on summer break and I was only going into work 2 days a week. So I took that time to figure out what to do with the kids while their home. I also started thinking of how to better handle housework, grocery shopping, softball practice, and WAHM work.

One of the things the kids and I do is go to the library at least once a week. They've been reading more than they ever had before and they are enjoying it so we'll certainly continue going even after school starts.

So - here's to staying at home and to also being able to exerise a bit more focus in the WAHM area to, hopefully, earn more money there. :)


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