Friday, June 16, 2006

Today was pool day

As I mentioned in a previous post - today was the day I was going to take the kids to the pool. First we stopped off at the library to return books and get new ones. Then we made our trip to the pool. The pool opened at 12:00 and we were there right when it opened. We stayed for 2 hours and left at 2:00. That's the longest I've been at a pool in a long time. Between the beach days, the pool day, and softball, I'm getting quite a tan! LOL

In WAHM news, I've got some exciting interviews for my softball site coming up. I'm going to have to get questions ready for my interviewees by Tuesday. Since I don't normally "work" on weekends, I have quite a bit to do on Monday. I think in this case though, I'll be thinking of questions all weekend and jot them down as they come. Then on Monday I can just organize and possibly add a few more in. I'm looking forward to these interviews - they should be lots of fun!


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