Thursday, July 06, 2006

Don't turn your back

As a mom - do you ever have the feeling that you can't turn your back? Not even for one second?

My girls start school tomorrow so we did most of our school supply shopping yesterday. All the school supplies were put on the dining room table. I told them to just leave everything alone for now. We'll separate everything later. I go to check e-mail. While going through my messages and check on a few other things online, I decide to take a bathroom break. I walk into the bathroom and what do I see on the counters? The anti-bacterial hand soap that the girls are supposed to take to school. Both are open (pump up instead of in the sealed down position) and one of them looks like they all tried it out to see if it smelled good. I was able to return the pumps to the down position. But as far as the soap that's already been "tested" - someone is going to school with a little less hand soap than everyone else.


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