Thursday, July 27, 2006

I'm on a roll!

Wow - the ideas just keep on coming. Didn't I ask before why they always seem to come in spurts? I now have a "to do" list that's longer than it's ever been. It's full of things that I need to get done in order to see all these new ideas through. Boy does outsourcing work really, really help me actually get all of these projects done and done well.

I wrote an article and distributed it to article directories earlier this week. I have a couple more articles in the works that I will also distribute in the upcoming weeks. I finished the e-course I talked about a few posts back and a special report.

The e-course, I'm already promoting and getting a good response from. The special report has only been announced to previous customers so far. I will announce it to my list and to my website visitors next week.

Now I have a new site in the works. It's already up and functional. I'm just waiting on graphics and content adding. Then I'll be ready to announce and promote that as well. I'm looking at Sept. 1 as a date for that. The site is going to be about training for fastpitch softball (speed, agility, quickness, strength, injury prevention, etc). I've already got 4-5 trainers who have experience with training softball players ready to contribute so I'm excited about that! I think it's going to be fun and full of great information that my current customers/website visitors will be very interested in.

I have to say that all of this focused brainstorming and idea developing has really started once I joined List and Traffic ~ there just so much there that's thought provoking and written in a step by step style that's easy to understand. I love the real "how to" information there and I can't wait to continue to apply what I learn and see where it takes me. Plus it's so super affordable then when you actually get in there and see what it's about you know it's well worth it!


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