Monday, July 31, 2006

It's Monday and tomorrow is a new month

Well, is the first work day of the week and the last day of the month. Just the kind of day that has you sitting down and thinking about goals for the future. What are you goals for the month of August? Summer is almost over! The kids are going back to school or already back at school for most of us. I don't know about your area, but it's been hot and humid here. I feel like taking a nice cool shower twice a day!

Anyway - today was a day of planning and beginning some projects I've been putting off. It's also been a day for me to look at how I can be more efficient (i.e. - what can I outsource and to whom).

I hope your August is great!

By the way, if you want to earn an easy $5 ~ Go to and submit you thoughts on a product. They are looking for submissions on just about anything a mom has an opinion on - pregnancy products, infant products, older kid products, etc. I've already received my $5! It's super easy and doesn't even take very long. I'm sure if you've got a product you really like and give your honest opinion and thoughts on it - you'll be able to get $5 too!


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