Saturday, July 29, 2006

Moms are not allowed to be sick

I'm sure you already know this, but there is no such thing as sick leave for moms. Moms are not allowed to be sick. Even when we are, the world still turns, dishes still need to be washed, pampers changed, the kids taken to school, meals prepared, and more. If dad is working, obviously he can't take the kids to school, so we must.

Today is one of those days. I've been battling a cold all week. Thankfully it isn't too bad. But I am a little less energetic, more prone to a headache, and dealing with a nose that's trying to escape. But, today is game day. My youngest daughter's softball games for the weekend got cancelled (yes!), but my oldest daughter has two games today and two games tomorrow. Unfortunately, I can just find a nice shady spot under a tree and lay on a mat during the games. I'm one of the coaches so I have to be out on the field in the sun. I better make sure to drink enough water while we're out there otherwise I'm going to be completely useless when we get home tonight.

We're just about to load up the car. The girls are all brushing their hair and helping to get their brother ready while I make this blog post ;) ~ then we're off to the field!


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