Thursday, August 17, 2006

Acckkk - I'm going to do it!

I've been debating for while over whether to jump into the audio craze. I think it would be so fun and something so different for the fastpitch community. So.....because of the WAHM challenge we've recently had at Mom Masterminds - I'm going to do it!

I've even got the domain name registered. I worked on the concept for the show for most of the day yesterday. I did a lot of brainstorming on topics to discuss, possible guests, possible contributors, etc. I also did a bunch of work on the site itself! Today I took the plunge and signed up for Audio Acrobat. At first I was very scared about making the commitment to pay for Audio Acrobat every month and I was worried about being able to get sponsors for the show. But the way I look at it, it's simply $20 per month that I'm paying to advertise me and my current softball websites/products, etc. Heck I pay more to Google AdWords every month as it is for one of my campaigns, so I think it'll work out just fine!

Anyway - wish me luck! I'm so excited about doing this. How fun!


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