Friday, August 11, 2006

I think I could get used to this

I have to say, I never thought I'd ever get a Blackberry. I really didn't think I'd use the features all that much. But now that I have it, I can get used to this. I love always being up to date with what's going on with my business online. I don't have to wait until I get home then rush to the computer to address everything that happened when I was out. Of course there may come a time when I really don't want to know every time I get an e-mail, but only certain accounts are set up, so it's not too bad. Plus, I know it's for my convenience, so if I can't check it right now I don't. I also usually wait to respond, but at least when I get home, I already know what I need to do and what the work load will be like. I can plan on whether or not I can take care of that first, or if I need to address home issues first, I know that my business stuff can wait because I already know there's not some urgent e-mail message waiting for me in my inbox. KWIM?

So I think it's pretty cool. I'm starting to learn the ins and outs of it and figured out some shortcuts as well as how to rearrange the icons on my home screen. Anyway, if any of you out there have ever considered getting something like this because you think you might be able to benefit from it, you probably will. I didn't even think it would be that big a deal to have, but now I think it's great. If you're already thinking of getting it and ways to use it, I say go for it! Plus some phone providers will let you try it out for 30 days (the phone and the service) and if it's not something that works for you, you can do an exchange and change or cancel your media/internet service.

DH is just happy that I'm actually making use of it, otherwise no sense in having it right? Even though I have the option I doubt I'm going to be exchanging this phone. I love not being "stuck" to the computer or constantly going back to the computer to see if any interesting or important e-mail has arrived. If there's any e-mail, my phone lets me know right away. It's great!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How cool! I have been thinking about this. It is on my goal list for the next year. I want to be making a little more in my passive income, but I loved reading your review.

It would be cool to not be "stuck" to the computer hehe.

7:39 AM  

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