Monday, October 30, 2006

Halloween is coming

So, Halloween is tomorrow. Talk about last minute, I just bought costumes for my girls today. I also just bought candy to hand out. But this year, we were prepared to contribute to the haunted house sooner than usual. You see each your our cul-de-sac puts on a haunted house and usually, we procrasinate when it comes to helping out with that. But this year, we're more prepared, we've got some cool things for the room we're responsible for and will begin set up today.

I don't even have a costume yet, but DH has a mask. The kids are all going to wear non-scary outfits. For them it's more of a dress up. I guess in Hawaii we're lucky that it's warm - kids trick-or-treat every year without too much worry about weather. So, I'm interested to see how our room in the haunted house will turn up.

My oldest daughter is probably going on a "business trip" for Halloween. My MIL does a little side business with blinky lights and glow items and they got into the main event over on Maui. They shut down one of the major streets over in Lahaina and just do Halloween stuff. My MIL and family will have a booth there. Turns out that one of the adults that was supposed to go can't make it and my MIL asked if she can take my daughter. My daughter loves working in the booth and is apparently quite good at it. So she's having homework sent home with her so she doesn't fall behind in school work and will be going on a business trip for Halloween. She'll only miss two days of school, so not too bad. I debated on whether or not she should go since she'll miss school, but it's only two days, she can still do the work, and it'll be a learning experience, so I figured what the heck. I'm even a bit jealous - I've heard that you've got to go to this place in Lahaina at least once for Halloween and I've never been, but my daughter is going. Go figure.


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