Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Guest on a "Real" Radio Show

Yesterday I did an interview for a "real" radio show - one that is actually broadcasted over airwaves on an AM station in CA. The show can also be heard at www.AdrenalineRadio.com. I have to say that I really enjoy audio! I have fun working on my own show and I had fun talking with a host on their show.

Right now my "big" project is my e-book. I am working on an outline for it so that I can begin filling in blanks and get on my way to actually getting it written. I really don't know how long it'll take. Maybe I should set a timeline for myself so that I have an actual goal to strive for with this.

On the home front, my girls are now back in school after being on break for the past 3 weeks. One thing I like about them being back in school is that my son gets back on a regular nap schedule. When the girls are home, he's too busy playing with them to take a nap.

Unfortunately right now, all the kids are battling a cold. Actually, my oldest daughter started it and has gotten over it, but now the rest of the kids have sniffles and DH even feels like he has a head cold too. I'm sure sooner or later, the bug will catch me, but I'm hoping my "Mom Super Powers" can stop it. Don't you ever feel, as a mom, like you're just not allowed to get sick? You don't have time for it. KWIM?


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