Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Husbands can be so frustrating

It's one of those days. Husbands can be so frustrating - especially when you are a SAHM/WAHM. They don't really want to know all the details of what goes on each day. Most of you who WAH know that their eyes can tend to glaze over when you talk about business.

Well, just like anything, there are times when you are more busy than others as a SAHM/WAHM. Sometimes it's due to issues with the kids, the housework, special events, other home issues, etc. Or sometimes it's due to business stuff and sometimes it's a combination of everything at once.

See, when DH works overtime, I understand that he may be more stressed or more tired and may not want to go out and do all kinds of things or be up for helping out more around the house or anything like that. Well, one of the tough things about being a SAHM/WAHM is that when you go into "Over time" mode - there's no really clear cut way for DH to tell. We don't go from being "at work" for 8 hrs a day to 12 hours a day or anything like that. It's just that our days get busier, we start juggling more balls, and things get a little crazy. So we are in a situation where we are more stressed, or more tired, or not up for certain things. When your SO doesn't understand this and he gets annoyed with your behavior because he's expecting "normal" and he'd getting "stressed out" instead things can get frustrating very quickly.

If only there was some kind of visual chart that would automatically pop up on the wall to let DH know what kind of day/week/time I'm having - include stress level, work load, unforseen circumstances, deadlines, emergencies, ongoing projects, etc. Wouldn't that be cool?

I guess that's where communication comes in, but it's tough because most guys don't understand that this "at home" stuff is just as demanding as a "real" job. Even if you try to explain it, I mean I know DH would be understanding if I was working "real" job 12 hours a day. He'd be more understanding of my situation and my behavior as a result of that situation. But even if my "at home" circumstances are just as demanding, I don't know if he'll ever "get it" no matter how much explaining I do. KWIM?


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