Friday, September 15, 2006

Working on my ABC's

Right now I'm working on softball ABC's. These short reports will be freebies that I give away at and at

ABC's of Begin an Effective Softball Coach
ABC's of Being a Good Softball Parent
How to Be a Player Coaches Love from A to Z

I'm not totally set on the titles yet, but that's the gist of it. I'm also taking my time with this because I want it to be good. So my goal right now is to finish one letter per day. At that rate, I should be able to finish the one for coaches by the end of the month since I already have a bunch of the work done.

I plan to use the coaching report as a lead in to a new e-book I want to get done. This e-book is going to be for coaches and will talk about leadership. That's another one that will take some time for me to do and do well. This e-book will probably be a paid product so I'm going to take my time and think it through well.

I've also been reading some books that talk about similar subjects and it's good to know that many of them say what I feel. I just have to find a way to put these things together with my own voice, incorporate some of my own experiences, and make it personal specifically for softball coaches.


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