Thursday, August 24, 2006

Wasp Sting - Ouch!

My poor babies! Thankfully, I haven't been stung or bitten by anything more harmful than a mosquito (knock on wood). My kids, on the other hand, are a different story.

My oldest was bitten by a centipede.
My second daughter was stung by a bee.

And within the last month, my youngest daughter was stung by Portuguese Man-O-War and just yesterday she was stung twice by a wasp! Ouch. Poor baby, she was screaming. It doesn't look like she's had any type of allergic reaction so that's good. She got stung at the park and we immediately came home to look up wasp sting treatment on the computer. Basically, we put some vinegar on it. That seemed to help pretty quickly. Then we washed the sting sites with soap and water and applied an antibiotic ointment. She also had some ice from the athletic trainer which she used as well. Thank goodness she was feeling better shortly after applying to vinegar because right after it the sting, she was yelling like I haven't heard her yell for a long time.

I better let the school know what happened - she got stung in the bleachers at the softball field at the local high school where we live. I think there may be a wasp problem there as last season there was a nest growing on one of the dugouts.


Blogger PetiteMommy said...

I got stung by a wasp last month and it hurt pretty bad . I'm so sorry your daughter got stung.

11:34 AM  

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