Saturday, September 09, 2006

WooHoo The Mic is In!

Yay! My mic arrived. I've been waiting on it's arrival to really start recording my Fastpitch Talk Radio shows! I'm already having a blast doing the short audios as a lead in to the launch of the show. I know the mic will provide much better quality than calling in to record audios over the phone.

Oh, that reminds me. I have to ask my neighbor if he can do my show intro. I don't know if he has the capability, but he is a radio DJ and has a good announcer voice. LOL

I gave the mic a try and it's so much more fun and convenient to record through the mic than through the phone line! I'm so excited to get the show rolling now that I have my mic. I think it makes my voice sound a little different than the recordings over the phone - but not in a bad way, just different. I guess it's just always weird to hear your own voice because it always sounds different than what you hear in your head.

Goal for next week - finish at least one more show.


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