Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I'm baby sitting today

Hence - no work is getting done, but I'm not sweating it. I've never had the opportunity before to babysit my nephew, so I'm enjoying that rather than worrying about work. It's funny though, the week was already short due to Labor Day. Now it's been shortened a bit more.

However, right now I have a bit of time to take care of pressing issues because both my nephew and my son are asleep! Woohoo ~ I was hoping for that, but wasn't sure I'd be able to pull it off.

Anyway - I'm excited because I finally got the microphone I've been waiting for so that I can record audios right to the computer vs. having to call them in over the phone. I think I'll hook it up right now and try it out! If you have no clue why I want the microphone, it's for Fastpitch Talk Radio which I'm planning to launch next month! Off to check out my new mic...


Blogger preciousbabysite said...

I have had days like that,most definately we all have and on those days you have to focus on the child.
You mentioned podcasts , that is awesome we need to connect. My website is www.preciousbabysite.com check out about nancys mom's talk radio.
Have a wonderfull day.

5:51 PM  

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