Friday, September 01, 2006

Wow - so fast!

A few days ago, we were at a birthday party for twin girls who were turning two. This party took place in our neighborhood and there were quite a few kids running around. My son was running around right there with him. It was on this day that it really hit me. My son, my baby, is going to be two before the end of the year. Two! That's not like "little baby" stage any more. That's going into "toddlerville." That's having a mind of his own, doing things on his own, walking, talking, growing every single day.

I know kids grow fast, but it just feels like it's been really, really fast with him. My baby isn't a baby any more. He's becoming a little man. He's interacting with his sisters more. He's calling them by name and telling him what he thinks (and telling them what to do).

Since I see him as my last child, I still look at him as "the baby." But I have to remember, that he's not a baby any more. I have to acknowledge his growth and development and treat him accordingly. Even though I want to baby him and continue to do everything for him and hold him all the time, I have to let him grow up. It's not going to be easy.

If you are done having kids, you probably know how I feel. I do want my son to be a strong, independant guy so I know babying him isn't going to acheive that.


Blogger Carrie Huggins said...

tell me about it. My Sadie turned one on the first. :) :(

8:22 AM  
Blogger Stacie said...

Carrie - you have four like me. Are you planning on having more?

It's a question I get asked all the time and, at this point, I don't plan on it, but never say never right?

9:42 PM  

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