Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Learn with your Shower Curtain

I just had to share something I just came across online. I have never seen it before, but it's the Top 100 SAT Vocabulary Shower Curtain .

Basically, it's supposed to help your child by exposing them to the Top 100 SAT Vocabulary words every day when they take their shower.

I wonder how effective it actually is. It doesn't look like there are any definitions. So is it any good to "know" the word, but not know what it means or how it's used?

Would you buy this shower curtain for your child?

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Something New Going On

I don't know if I'm ready to share this, but last time I didn't share and didn't really like the way that worked out. You know what they say, "Sharing is Caring." So...I do have an announcement which, for me, is very exciting, but scary at the same time. What is this "something new?" Click Here to find out.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Yes! Business is Picking Up

January was a pretty good month all around. This month has also been pretty good even though I haven't been "working" much due to family issues. Earlier this month I was caring for my nephew and with 2 boys ages 2 and 1 in the house, it wasn't easy to get work done. BUT, one thing that's nice about affiliate marketing is that you don't always have to work to make sales.

I just found out in the last week that I made another sale for a program I promote and earned $73.00 in commission and I also got a referral for Audio Acrobat.

I have to say, I'm really happy with Audio Acrobat. AA is the program that makes it possible for me to do my internet radio show and makes podcasting quite simple. Audio Acrobat hosts all my audio files for me so that I don't use up bandwidth from my web host. AA also makes recording easy. You can record my phone or through your own PC mic. Recording phone interviews and conference calls are also a breeze. Audio is also a great way to make your website more "sticky" - in other words, it's a great way to get people to hang around longer. You've been to those websites that great you with an audio welcome, AA can help you do that for your own website.

The reason I started up with AA was because of all the fun I saw others have with podcasting. Audio looked like so much fun and I wanted to jump in and enjoy it too. If you already have a blog, adding audio files in your posts every now and then is a neat way to do something different for your readers and spice up your blog. Did I mention that Audio Acrobat has a 30-day free trial? That's what I signed up for at first just to see if it was really worth getting. Click here to give it a try.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

That Was a Nice Weekend

Well, the President's Day weekend has come and gone and it was a nice one. My husband actually had all 3 days off which is unusual considering that his weekends usually consist of just one day off. So, we got a lot done around the house. First of all, we got our income tax return done on Thursday and were able to pick up our Refund Anticipation Loan on Friday morning!

With that check deposited into the bank, I was able to go out and shop for a new refrigerator. Our old one died out after the earthquake last year. So for the last few months, we haven't had a fridge in the house. Luckily we had an extra one out in the garage that we usually just use for drinks or "overflow" from the kitchen fridge. But I'm so excited to have a fridge inside my kitchen again. Plus we really, really missed the ice maker and the water filter that was built in to our other fridge. So with the check in the bank, I went over to the local scratch and dent center for Sears. I found a nice Kenmore fridge with a few more features than the one we had (including stainless steel doors) for $815.00. I think the regular price was around $1250-$1300 so I was happy.

Our refrigerator was delivered on Sunday. On Sunday we also bought our girls shoes for the softball season because last year's shoes don't fit. We also bought a fitting to fix our water hose that got chewed up by the dogs. We picked up a new switch for the lights of our ceiling fan in our living room. Since we moved in 3 years ago, that light has never worked. We've just been using a couple of lamps in our living room for light. We'll, now the lights on the ceiling fan work! We also bought a new faucet for our kitchen sink because the old one was broken. The handle to turn the water on and off broke and, while still functional, was always falling off. So DH fixed that on Sunday too! Not to mention our weed whacker which had run out of line was fixed up with new line so that we can weed whack again.

Whew - I think we may have even accomplished a few more things, but that's just a taste of what our weekend was like. It was very productive and now our house is better because of it which makes it easier to relax in and enjoy. :)

Oh yeah - did I mention that we went running too? DH and I, along with my Father-in-Law, Sister-in-Law, and oldest daughter all did some Uphill Fitness Training yesterday! It only took us 15 minutes (including warm up time), but gave us a great workout!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Our New Family Exercise Routine

So this week was the first of our family's new exercise routine. We are all doing Coach K's Uphill Fitness Training. Right now our plan is to go work out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after DH gets home from work at about 6:00. So far, DH and I are liking this program. You work up a sweat. Your legs and arms feel like they did something. It's not as boring as running laps or riding an exercise bike for 20-30 minutes. You don't need exercise equipment. Plus it doesn't take very long. We did our first session on Monday and our 2nd yesterday. We timed yesterday's session and it was 15 minutes from start to end. We have yet to see just how effective it is. Supposedly it's good, so we'll give it a good month and see where we're at after that. Our oldest daughter (10) and our 2nd daughter (7) both did the workout with us. They had fun. Our oldest daughter is actually more "advanced" than us. She can do more that DH and I without "feeling it" as much. I think this will also help her softball performance too.

I'll keep you updated with any progress or news from our new family workout. That challenge will be to keep it up once my daughters softball season starts, but since her practices are Tues and Thurs, there's really no excuse.

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

It's a new month

Can you believe it? The first month of the year has already come and gone. Last week was a very busy week with our softball state tournament pretty much taking up all of my time. On top of that I am currently caring for my nephew while his parents get their custody arrangement settled. So I have my son, 2 years old, and my nephew who is 16 months old. Right now, I'm limiting my time on the computer because I don't want to take my eyes off my nephew for too long. He doesn't quite know what the rules of the house are (what he can and cannot touch) and his is constantly looking for things to put in his mouth. The other night, one minute he's sitting by DH and I watching tv, the next he's throwing DH's cell phone in the toilet!

So anyway - been kinda busy, but should only have to watch him for a few more days. After that, I can get back on the ball with blogging and business!
