This is going to be an extremel busy week for me with a softball tournament all weekend and two new puppies coming home, so, before I forget,
I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving weekend! I know I'm looking forward to all the great yummy food! Can't wait. I'm even planning on making Banana Cream Pie which I haven't done in a few years.
But with all this talk of eating, there's something else that always comes to mind during the holiday season and that's losing weight. Well, maybe not so much losing weight, but at least getting or staying fit. What do we do to combat all of this delicious food we'll be tempted to eat over the course of the next month or so? Well, I know a guy that I think is on to something. He's known as Coach K and he's been helping people get into shape. Many of them are busy like you and me, but they have time to do what he recommends. So my husband has even asked me to check it out a little further for him because he wants to get back into better shape too. Check it out with me -
click here to find out how you can get/stay fit this holiday season.