Graduation Pictures

I couldn't decided which one to post, so I'm just putting a bunch of them up.
Congratulations again Allicia!

Mom to Mom ~ talk story about the challenges of every day "mom" life and striving to become a full-time WAHM!
I was thinking of making next week "swimming week" and going to the pool too. But then the girls start up softball practice again for summer league and it's probably not a good idea to have them out in the sun all day if they are going to have to practice in the afternoon. So maybe we'll save our pool day for Friday. None of the girls have practice on Friday.
Now DH is asking me if he should work tomorrow or stay home. Hmmmm, we sure could use the double time and a half, but it would also be nice for us all to enjoy a day at the beach too. Usually when he's been asking me whether he should stay home or work OT, I've been telling him to stay home. I was so prepared for him to work Memorial Day then he decided not to. I was also assuming he would work tomorrow, but like I said, having him go to the beach with us also sounds great. On the other hand, if he does work tomorrow, he can probably take next Saturday off. Augghhhh - decisions, decisions...